Coming soon!
Our knowledgebase is currently still under construction. In order to provide you with the best possible content, we ask you to be patient for a few days!
Register in advance to be informed as soon as our knowledgebase is available – 23 years of industry experience will soon be available!
On our knowledgebase you will find current content from the areas of marketing, operations, technology and costs. Divided into 4 major phases in the development of a sports betting company, we
answer frequently asked questions of our customers based on our 23 years of industry experience.

The four phases of a sports betting company:
the planning of the company strategy - SET-UP:
the accumulation of necessary resources - START-UP:
the first start-up phase of the operation - GROWTH:
the growth as a betting company
Each phase involves different questions and challenges that can often only be answered and mastered on the basis of years of experience – and this is exactly where Arland comes into play. As a partner in the iGaming industry, we answer frequent questions on our knowledge base and provide expert knowledge on various aspects of the 4 development phases.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

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