The use of agents in sports betting

Affiliate marketing has long been a well-known strategy for gaining reach and customers as a sports betting provider. What is less well known, however, is the use of agents, which differs from affiliates in some ways, but has just as much potential as a marketing strategy. The following article is intended to describe the use … Read more

Successful lifecycle marketing in sports betting

Successful marketing in sports betting aims to win the right customers and keep them active on your platform for as long as possible – in short: to reach the highest possible level of engagement. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to address the customers appropriately in the various phases of their activity and … Read more

Indicators for advertising effectiveness in sports betting

Targeted advertising is arguably one of the most crucial factors for a sports betting operator’s success. Modern sports betting marketing measures are designed to increase a (potential) customer’s intention to place bets as well as the awareness of the different opportunities to do so. Therefore sports betting advertising can play an important role in driving … Read more

Payment trends in the sports betting business

The fact that in many markets over 90% of bets are already being placed on the smartphone shows that the modern sports betting industry can no longer get by without an online- / mobile-first approach. One of the greatest challenges in this context, however, is the flow of money. Because only when smooth and reliable … Read more

Sports betting in 2021: Bookmaker NEXT

Sports betting has fully arrived in digitalization. Providers have to adapt to changing trends faster than ever and, due to the market situation. It is no longer enough to simply start a sports betting platform like any other in order to earn money. Flexibility, compliance, modern frontends and the opportunity to grow are what’s needed … Read more

5 questions to ask yourself before starting a sports betting business

starting a sports betting business

Every beginning is difficult – that’s also true for starting a sports betting business. That’s why as a prospective sports betting provider it is all the more important to ask the right questions right from the beginning in order to position yourself correctly. The following 5 questions form the basis for a successful sports betting … Read more

Sports betting bonus marketing: Analysing the customer lifecycle

Sports betting Website CMS Backend

The turnover achieved by a sports betting provider depends on many factors. However, the most important factor is always the customer and how long they remain loyal to the company. In order to understand your profit as a betting operator, you must first understand the value of your customers. Only then will you be able … Read more

Sports betting around the world – Part 2: Asia, USA, South America

You can find part one of this article here: “Sports betting around the world – Part 1: Europe, Middle East, Africa” Sports betting has been part of our culture since ancient times. However, a lot has changed from the days when gamblers bet on gladiatorial fights to when gamblers nowadays are betting online from the … Read more

Sports betting in the corona crisis: A future outlook

After the sports betting industry was hit by the global pandemic in 2020, one year later it is now possible to make clear statements about its actual effects and the trends for the coming years. Event cancellations, closings of local betting shops and loss of income for many people presented the sports betting and gambling … Read more